I made £378,396.48 In Less Than 18 Months Thanks To
The Arabian Underground Tips! Now You Can Too!
Imagine If You Could Make Over
£21,000 Each Month From The Horses!
That's £252,000 A Year!
Copy The Arabian Underground Tips
and change your life FOREVER...

From: Sam Lees

Location: Preston, England

Allow me to confirm something that you might already suspect to be true.

Everything in life is RIGGED.

In fact, never have we lived in unfairer times.

The reality is that in these modern times there is enough wealth and prosperity available for EVERYBODY to be flourishing.

But the elites and the politicians (on BOTH sides of the political spectrum) continue to keep that wealth for themselves.

And it's not just in politics either. Literally every walk of life which involves the transfer of cash from one to another is rigged.

And horse racing is no different.

Because there really ARE people out there that make an absolute KILLING from betting on the horses.

But you won't see these people down the bookies or at the races.

In fact most of them won't have visited either a bookies or a horse racing course in their lives.

They simply don't need to.

If You Can't Beat Them, JOIN THEM!

Easier said than done right?

Well I certainly used to think so.

What you need is a stroke of luck.

In fact I'd go as far as to say that to join those 'on the inside' requires a minor miracle.

Luckily for you, miracles DO happen.

If you want to know how I went from being an average Joe to making almost £400,000 in 18 months on the horses then READ ON...

Because this short letter has the potential to change your life forever. 
Are you ready to WIN BIG on the horses by copying the bets of one of the WEALTHIEST FAMILIES IN THE WORLD?
My name is Sam Lees.

I'm from Preston..

And I'm a pretty normal bloke.

I've been known to have the occasional flutter on the horses alongside my regular accumulator bets on the footie.

But you could never have called me a hardcore gambler.

And I most probably lost more often that I won.

I lived a pretty normal life really. Had a solid job working as a supervisor at a Joinery and a fantastic, tight-knit family.

In truth, betting played very little part in my life. It was just an occasional bit of fun.

But that would soon change in the most unlikely of ways.
It all started on our annual visit to see my uncle and aunt in Brighton.

Now my uncle is a guy that has done pretty well for himself in life. He was a partner in an accountancy firm for many years and has long since retired. He's one of the most likeable and upbeat characters I've ever met and I've always enjoyed our visits.

In fact, our family trip to Brighton has been a yearly tradition going back over 20 years.

We always looked forward to staying in my uncle's house for a few days - it was HUGE and near the seaside.
And one of the interesting things about my uncle was that every year he and my auntie would open up one of their bedrooms to an overseas student from the local university. 

And that overseas student was almost always from an Arabic country and seriously LOADED.

Thing was until this particular year we'd always visited my uncle during the summer holidays so we'd only ever been told about these students and never actually met them.

But the tales my uncle used to tell about them were ASTONISHING. He'd had Saudi princes, members of the UAE royal family... all sorts of interesting characters staying over the years. And some of the antics that these characters had got up to defied belief.

That year, for the first time we'd get to meet my Uncle's super-rich 'lodger'.... something we were pretty excited about.
Little did I know that this 'lodger' would change my life forever!

Now this guy's name was Ahmed and our uncle introduced him to our family almost the minute we got through the door.

I've got to admit I was a little taken aback. 

We'd already been told that this guy was literal 'royalty' so we'd imagined that he'd probably not want to give us much more than a hello but how wrong we were.

This guy was exceptionally charming, warm and friendly ... and you could tell that he'd almost become part of the family at my uncle's home.

In fact, when it came to us all going on our first family meal that evening by the harbour, Ahmed came along! He even tried to pay for the meal ... although my uncle insisted otherwise.

When we got home that night Ahmed went to bed before the rest of us.

He'd left quite an impression.

"Wow, we didn't expect him to be like that" was the general consensus amongst my family.

But what my uncle then told us really did shock us.

He told us a little more about his background - this guy was a member of the royal family in one of the Arab nations (which I won't mention here to preserve his anonymity) and, as we already knew, was seriously wealthy.

But what he also told us was that only four weeks earlier, Ahmed had casually revealed to him that one of the perks of being so well connected was that he had almost unprecedented access to a group of extremely wealthy gamblers who had access to the most valuable insider horse racing knowledge available.
Ahmed had told my uncle that he could easily make around £700 per day placing bets based on this information.

Now this was small change to him but to anybody else that kind of money is HUGE.

But the crazy thing is that when Ahmed suggested passing on his tips to my uncle, my uncle declined the offer.

Truth is, my uncle had never put on a bet in his life and felt too nervous to do so.

But when I was told this story... well such hesitancy wasn't something I suffered from.

Hmmm... do you reckon Ahmed might share his tips with me...?

I said it in a kind of joking manner.

But as you can imagine... inside, I was DEAD SERIOUS.

"Why not ask him?" my uncle responded.

And so the very next afternoon I tentatively brought up the subject of sport with Ahmed.

We talked football at first... but it wasn't long before I managed to slip horse racing into the conversation.

Sure enough Ahmed told me about the contacts he had and even told me that he'd offered to let my uncle in on his secret.

Inevitably I let Ahmed know that this was a subject that interested me GREATLY and to my delight, Ahmed offered to help me out.

"Tell you what... I'll make a call now and see if there's anything for later this afternoon... and you can try it out..."

This was exciting. I mean what did I have to lose? 

I could see my uncle chuckling away to himself in the corner of the room...
He knew what was going on.

And so when Ahmed finished his very quick call he told me that there were 2 horses left to bet on that day.

And they were both almost certain winners (for reasons he wouldn't go into).

It was clear that this was an opportunity simply too good to miss.

So right there in my uncle's front room I lumped £30 on each of the 2 horses Ahmed had given me.

And yep you guessed it...


And made me a very nice £240 in the process.

The next day Ahmed gave me 4 selections and I made £550.

Needless to say I was sure to get Ahmed's contact details before we left Brighton... especially as he'd promised to continue to pass on his tips.

Fast forward to summer 2024 and Ahmed's tips have made me over £378,396 in winnings in less than eighteen months.

What's more, I'm now in a position where I can help other people make incredible money with me...
Check out other members' success stories...
"This is outrageous, Sam! Almost all of the tipsters I've followed in the past have ended up losing me money but this is shockingly different.  I'm making a heap of cash every single day - mid to high three figures. A total game changer. Thank you so much!"

Fran, Warrington.
"Finally something that works! I've lost more than I care to admit on bogus tipsters but that all stopped when I started following your tips just 2 months ago. Since then I've made almost £35,000 and I've never been happier. I can't thank you enough. "

Steve, Wolverhampton.
"This thing is incredible. I used to lose money on a weekly basis on the horses. Now I'm making hundreds every day and it's all thanks to you!"

Martin, Taunton.
What would you do with an extra £378,396.48 in your account?
Jet off on that luxury vacation?

Buy that dream home?
Spoil family and friends?

Purchase that luxury car?
The possibilities really are endless.
And to put your mind at ease let me answer some of your questions...
"I don't have time to spend hours researching systems and placing bets. Can this be done quickly?""
Absolutely. Ahmed has given me access to a live workroom where the tips are placed. So each morning I grab them and email them off to you. You then place your bets. It's as easy as that.

"I've subscribed to tip services before and they've been awful. How do I know that this will be different?"
I understand completely. There are tons of bogus tipsters out there. But these tips are absolutely the real deal passed on to me directly by Ahmed who obtains these tips with insane insider knowledge. The success rate is around 90% - which is breathtaking.

"How will I receive my tips?"
The tips will be emailed to the address you use to join every single day of the week. I'll also look into sending them via What'sapp.

"What starting stake do I need?"
This is your call. It's prudent to start slowly and build up from there. 

"Am I able to get a refund?"
. In the highly unlikely event that you are not happy with the winning tips that you'll be receiving daily then all you need to do is email me or ClickBank and a full refund will be sent to you - no questions asked. This guarantee is good for 60 days so there really is nothing to lose here. See it as a 60 day trial!
Join Arabian Underground TODAY and all this could be yours...
Act NOW and change your life forever!

No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.
But I must warn you, you need to ACT FAST.

Ahmed has kindly allowed me to send his tips on to a total of 75 people.

Now I'm already sending to 25 people which means that at the time of writing this letter only 50 spots remain.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

And I'm now extremely excited to be able to share these winners with a handful of new members.

But you must act NOW if you want to get in on this. I'd love to be able to help absolutely everybody but sadly that really isn't possible.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
And so, to put your mind totally at ease and to give you the confidence to become one of the lucky few new members,

Let Me Offer You a Full 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

I'm backing the Arabian Underground service with a full 60 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. If at any time in the first 60 days of your membership you wish, for whatever reason, to get your money back, then just send me an email and I will refund you right away.

It is extremely important to me that you are happy with the Arabian Underground service therefore I am more than happy to offer you this cast-iron guarantee.

Which means that you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Ok! So How Much Is This Going To Cost?

Well, I want to make this as affordable as possible.

Of course, these tips have made me over £378,000 in less than 18 months so it would not be unreasonable for me to charge hundreds if not thousands for access to these tips that you will receive every single day.

But don't worry because I have absolutely no intention of charging that much.

After all, these tips do not originate from me and so I don't want to profit from this venture.

In fact, the only payment I'll be expecting my 50 new members to make will be solely to cover the costs of this website and any support team I might need to hire.

I want to help as many people as I possibly can and I want to make this affordable for everybody, which is why I've decided to set the price at a ridiculously low one-time fee of just £29.99.

That's just one single payment. There are no recurring fees here. A one-time payment of £29.99 and my tips are yours for life.

But this offer will not be around for long so GET IN NOW...

Become A Lifetime Member Of the Arabian Underground tips TODAY...

Instant Access For A One-Time Fee Of £29.99

No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.
This is the best decision you will ever make…
But if you don’t act fast, you lose the chance to make an absolute killing from the horses...

Do not miss out on this incredible opportunity.

Sign up now!

I'll see you on the inside,

Sam Lees

Instant Access For A One-Time Fee Of £29.99

No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.

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